General Information |
G 1:
How can I change the colors of the bot?
Added: 2002-06-08 Versions: all |
Changing colors is not yet straight forward. Edit
moxquizz.tcl and change the values the function
botcolor returns for the various things. You can
test your new settings with the command !colors
issued as bot owner on the partyline.
G 2:
How can I generate a statistics table (from the allstars)
like the one on http://meta-x.de/quiz/eternal.html?
Added: 2002-06-08 Versions: all |
MoxQuizz comes with a perl script in
moxquizz/supplemental/allstars.pl. You can
generate XML, HTML and plain text tables from your
moxquizz/quizdata/rankallstars.data file which
holds the data for the allstars tables. Try
allstars.pl --help.
G 3:
How can I add own questions to the bot?
Added: 2003-05-01 Versions: all |
Questions and their answers are stored in plain text files
in the directory quizdata. You can take any of them
as example or template to roll you own sets. There is no
need to add to existing files, instead you can simply add
more files named questions.SOMETHING.en (replace en
with the value of questionset from moxquizz.rc, replace
SOMETHING with whatever tag you like) to this
directory. Moxquizz will read all files related to a
questionset. Check README.database for more
information about the file format.
To let MoxQuizz run with a totally different question set
than the default, create files named questions.TAG.XX (XX
must be the same for all files in your new set, TAG can be
anything) and then change the questionset parameter in
moxquizz.rc (remember, you can change this parameter online,
and you can switch questionsets while the bot runs, even
within a game!).
G 4:
How can I move the quiz to a different channel?
Added: 2003-08-06 Versions: all |
You can do 1 of 2 things:
change the variable "quizchannel" in moxquizz.rc and restart your bot
dcc to your bot and .!quizto #newchannel (works online, don't
forget to make this change permanent with .!save [.!configsave in
versions < 0.8.1])
Setup and Installation |
S 1:
Is there an easy way to install MoxQuizz?
Added: 2002-06-29 Versions: all |
Generally installing MoxQuizz into an existing eggdrop is
most easy, you simply need to add two lines to your
eggdrop.conf. Going from scratch, you have to install
eggdrop initially, which is esp. on windows platforms not
straightforward. I don't know of any configuration GUI,
if you know one, tell me :)
S 2:
How can I install MoxQuizz on windows? |
Added: 2004-04-12 Versions: all |
Basically you have to get a windrop running in the first
place. After that adding MoxQuizz is quite easy, just follow
the instructions in the INSTALL file.
Issues |
I 1:
My bot shows strange scores/wrong times.
Added: 2001-09-12 Versions: all |
If you encounter wrong times and strange scores since
9/9/2001, then your eggdrop is too old. Upgrade to 1.6.8
to solve it. The problem is the time measurement in unix,
which is done in seconds since 1/1/1970. This value
passed the on the 9/9/2001.
I 2:
My bot shows strange extra characters in its messages.
Added: 2002-01-01 Versions: since 0.8.0 |
TCL 8.1 introduced unicode support such that all characters
which are encoded in UTF-8 as two, three or four byte
sequences will be displayed as those character sequences,
instead of the Latin-whatever single-byte
encoding. Currently eggdrop version 1.6.8 handles this
correctly. So if you encounter strange extra characters in
the tips given, please downgrade TCL to 8.0 or use the unicodeless distribution of moxquizz 0.7.3 (420k) or upgrade
your eggdrop to 1.6.8.
I 3:
My bot fails with: TCL error [moxquiz_ask]: called
"mc" with too many arguments
Added: 2002-06-10 Versions: since 0.8.0 |
The reason is a change in the internationalization-code of
TCL (which is handled by a file named msgcat.tcl). Make
sure that you have at least TCL 8.3.2 installed, 8.3.1
might work, anything older definitely won't.
You can try replacing your msgcat.tcl with a file from a
newer TCL distribution or load it explicitely from your
eggdrop.conf: source /path/to/your/new/msgcat/file/msgcat.tcl
I 4:
My bot says things like: "%s question" or "%s solved"
Added: 2002-06-10 Versions: since 0.8.0 |
This is related to the internationalization introduced
in version 0.8.0. Your version of TCL doesn't seem to
be new enough, make sure you have at least TCL
8.3.2 installed, or use the old MoxQuizz 0.7.3
I 5:
I can't invoke !pause, !stop and
Added: 2002-06-19 Versions: all |
First of all, these commands are to be issued on the
partyline of your eggdrop. Secondly, you need the proper
flags to use them (P or Q, check the README,
section 4 "Commands to control the script" for more info).
Enable yourself with: .chattr HANDLE +P and/or
.chattr HANDLE +Q